Old School Swag

August 27, 2011 § 3 Comments

my grandpa was a stud!

I love seeing the vintage photos on The Sartorialist. It’s nice to remember that old people weren’t always just old people, but they were young and ballin’ at one time as well.

My awesome cousin started scanning a lot of old family pictures and it’s great to be able to see what my grandparents were like back in the day. My grandfather was in the army and actually traveled to Virginia to receive training. He is a very laid-back guy but puts effort to look good, even now at the ripe old age of 85. When I was young, I remember he would take long walks and go swimming. Now that he isn’t doing well physically, he stopped going to the gym but he still wears lots of Ralph Lauren!

Love you grandpa, I hope you get better soon.

Shinya Kimura by Adam Richards | Doing What You Love

January 31, 2011 § 2 Comments

My friend Thomas  (@tvelvet) tweeted this video today, titled Shinya Kimura by Adam Richards:



I love the simplicity of the whole piece. It’s a short 3 min piece that illustrates a man’s love and passion for motorcycles and how significant it is to him. There are some great shots in this mini documentary and very inspiring overall.

The video also reminds me of another blog that I keep up with called Grain & Gram. Every so often, they feature a gentleman with a unique occupation or craft. I really liked the one about Blair Sligar, a woodworker from Orlando, FL. Besides featuring awesome projects, the interview and videos also gives you a glimpse of someone else’s life that is so different from your own.

Violin Hip-Hop

January 14, 2011 § 4 Comments

Not too many people know this, but I am a classically trained pianist. I have a love-hate relationship with the piano. When my older sister started playing the piano before I did, I got so jealous of watching her play that I bugged my mom to let me start taking lessons too. Only after I started taking lessons did I realize practicing was part of the process of being able to play. I went through phases when I would really love playing and then get really lazy. Needless to say, I am no professional pianist. Yet, I stuck with it throughout high school and college (even minoring in college). So thankful that I never quit playing and continue to play to this day.

Just a cool piece of violin hip-hop. I always love the marriage of different musical genres. Feeling happy and musical on this Friday night.

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